Posted on Apr 20, 2019 by
[After this, aware that everything was now finished,
   in order that the Scripture might be fulfilled,
   Jesus said, “I thirst.”
There was a vessel filled with common wine.
So they put a sponge soaked in wine on a sprig of hyssop
   and put it up to his mouth.
When Jesus had taken the wine, he said,
   “It is finished.”
And bowing his head, he handed over the spirit.]  (Jn. 19:28-30)
What is finished?  What is accomplished?  A man condemned to death as a criminal now hangs limp and lifeless on a cross.  He hangs there like every other criminal before Him.  There is nothing special to be seen, nothing to compel onlookers to pause and worship.
What do I see when I see this Man hanging from the tree?  If I see only a dead man swaying in the wind, then disregarding Him is justifiable.  However if I recognize God Himself bruised, beaten, and lifeless,  then how shameful of me to ignore Him as often as I do.
Jesus cries out, “I thirst.”  Such a request is ridiculous and absurd.  He is minutes away from death, and He wants a sip of wine? Maybe, just maybe this Man thirsts for something else.  Maybe He thirsts for me?  He sees me, and desires to draw me to His lips so I might receive the greatest expression of His love.  Not a kiss of betrayal, but the kiss redemption.
What is finished? What is accomplished  as Jesus expires? Redemption. Salvation. Love revealed. Love bestowed.
Lord Jesus fill my heart with sorrow for my sins.  “Crucify Him!” I say, “CRUCIFY HIM!!!” Over and over again I, like the crowds, demand Your crucifixion.  Forgive me Lord. Please forgive me.