President’s Message Friday April 9

Posted on Apr 9, 2021 by

Happy Easter Assumption Catholic Schools,

As a people, we continue to celebrate the Easter season.  Sunday April 11 is Divine Mercy Sunday, check your parish website for details on any celebrations going on.

This week we look at the virtue of TENACITYThe strength to grip on to a goal and refuse to give up. TENACITY is an awesome strength to have on a team, group and within a family. It’s a joy to be around TENACIOUS leaders.


Thank you, Lord, for this day, this opportunity, this time together. Strengthen our wills and forge our resolve to be more TENACIOUS in our pursuit of excellence in every area of our life.


Review some of the goals you set for your yourselves this year and work on one of them with greater TENACITY.


Lord God, You didn’t run at the first sign of chaos or difficulty. You showed us how to be TENACIOUS, sacrificial, loving and truthful. We want to live like You. We want to live for You and for others.

Help us to be TENACIOUS this week by timing ourselves as we do different things throughout the day so we can see how well we are using the gift of time. Amen

“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” – St. Teresa of Calcutta


St. Kateri Tekakwitha

St. Kateri Tekakwitha is the first Native American to be recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church. At age 19, Kateri Tekakwitha converted to Catholicism, taking a vow of chastity and pledging to marry only Jesus Christ. Her decision was very unpopular with her adoptive parents and their neighbors. Some of her neighbors started rumors of sorcery. To avoid persecution, she traveled to a Christian native community south of Montreal


HALFHEARTEDNESS – The weakness to be unwilling to do something with all your heart, mind and soul.

There is a difference between interest and commitment.

When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when it is convenient.

When you are committed to doing something, you will not accept any excuses; you will TENACIOUSLY go after it until you achieve it.

In Christ’s Peace

Daniel Minter


Assumption Catholic Schools