President Weekly Virtue 3/4/2023

Posted on Mar 4, 2023 by

Dear Assumption Catholic Schools,

Better late than never for the post this week.  The teachers and administrators were at a diocesan in-service on Friday focusing on the Eucharistic Revival which runs form Corpus Christi Day 2022 until 2025.  We gathered with other schools from the Diocese, heard talks about the Eucharist – the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus and shared ideas on what we do in our schools to build Catholic identity and build an understanding of the True Presence in the Eucharist.

The virtue this month is Justice – the constant and firm will to give God and neighbor their due.  More reflection can be viewed here. Justice 2022-2023 MINI PDF

May your Lenten journey with Jesus be fruitful.  Remember the pillars of Lent – prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

In Christ’s Peace

Daniel Minter


Assumption Catholic Schools

The Mission of Assumption Catholic Schools is to inspire excellence and personal growth grounded in Catholic principles and tradition.


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