President’s Friday Virtue Message 4-14-2023

Dear Assumption Catholic Schools

Happy Easter – We are in the Octave of Easter – the 8 days from Easter Sunday to Divine Mercy Sunday.  We continue to rejoice in the great gift of Jesus who died and rose from the dead so that we may have life eternal.

The Easter season lasts for the time from Easter Sunday to Pentecost.  A celebration of Jesus’ time with the apostles at the end of which God sends the Hoiy Spirit to embolden humankind.

This week our strength building on the virtue of FORTITUDE is MORTIFICATION. Mortification, based on Faith, is the strength to deny oneself through penance and austerity to strengthen the will in the practice of virtue and grow in the likeness of Christ. The mortification is never an end in itself, but a means by which we become better followers of Christ.

The slide deck for the week can be viewed here. Mortification-2022-2023-PDF-MINI

In Christ’s Peace
Daniel Minter

Assumption Catholic Schools

The Mission of Assumption Catholic Schools is to inspire excellence and personal growth grounded in Catholic principles and tradition.