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A goal of Assumption Catholic Schools is to provide a Catholic school education to every potential student that desires one.  However, we realize that many families have financial barriers that impede their ability to fully fund their children’s Catholic school education.  Assumption Catholic Schools has established various tuition assistance funds for the purpose of assisting qualified families with tuition assistance based on their financial need.  This policy describes the criteria used to assess need and make tuition assistance awards.

This policy is to be considered a Qualified Scholarship Program under the Internal Revenue Code and that awards be tax free to the recipient.

2025 Assistance Information

Instructions for FACTS Aid Application - We use the FACTS aid system to process applications for in house financial aid.  This step is completed after your enrollment for the school year.  

2025-26 Foundation Scholarship Application

To apply for tuition assistance in addition to scholarships, please submit the requested financial documents in FACTS by April 30. 

•    Contributions to ACS tuition assistance funds may be tax deductible. The contributor should consult their tax advisor to determine deductibility. Checks should be made payable to Assumption Catholic Schools and submitted to ACS Advancement Office.  A donation letter will be sent to each contributor.

•    Application for aid is made via the FACTS management system
•    FACTS will review submitted materials and make a recommendation on aid to the central office.
•    Central office will determine the amount of aid based on available funding.
•    Applications must be submitted by April 15th for the following school year. Late applications may not receive full funding.
•    All financial information is strictly confidential. Fully completed tuition assistance applications will be considered only after a family has applied for enrollment. In the case of extenuating circumstances, late applications may be considered. However, applications received by the deadline will be considered first.

Tuition Assistance Awards
•    The amount of the award will be based on the applicant’s adjusted discretionary income as determined by FACTS. Each application will be reviewed and eligibility verified based on the requirements defined in this policy. Once eligibility is established, families will be offered tuition assistance based on need and availability of tuition assistance funds.
•    Any funds that are awarded and subsequently not used due to withdrawal of the student or other loss of eligibility as defined by this policy will be returned to the appropriate tuition assistance fund for award to other eligible families under this policy. Any grants awarded during the school year will apply only to tuition due from the date of the award to the end of the current school year.

•    The educational institutions of the Diocese of La Crosse do not discriminate on any civil law protected class basis unless permitted by law and/or protected by the United States Constitution or the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin.

Tuition Assistance Eligibility
       Financial Need: 
•    A family must demonstrate financial need by submitting a completed tuition assistance application and supporting documents to FACTS.
•    The tuition assistance application provides space for each family to detail changes to their family’s financial situation that a prior year tax return may not reflect. 
•    If the family’s application and income verification indicates qualification, participation in the federally funded free and reduced lunch program is required.

       Family Participation:
•    Participation by the family in making an effort to pay some amount of tuition every month.
•    Participation by the family to support ACS by volunteering in various school fundraising activities including the Royal Event.
•    Participation by the family in making an effort to use the Scrip program.
•    Participation by the family in supporting their parish through contributions and other volunteering.

       Other Eligibility Criteria:
•    Any account balances and fees owed by the family from a prior school year must be paid in full in order for a tuition assistance application to be accepted unless an acceptable alternative plan for payment is in place and is being followed by the family.
•    Tuition assistance does not renew automatically. Families must re-apply for tuition assistance each year.
•    Once tuition assistance is granted, it will be applied in the same manner in which the family receiving assistance pays their portion of the tuition, i.e. if the family pays monthly, tuition assistance will be applied monthly; if the family pays quarterly, tuition assistance will be applied quarterly. Tuition assistance will only continue as the family receiving assistance keeps up with their payment of tuition.
•    If a student is withdrawn from school during the year, all unused portions of the tuition assistance will be returned to the appropriate tuition assistance fund.
•    Parents are expected to try to pay more toward their children’s tuition if their financial situation improves during the year so that other families may be assisted. Therefore, parents must notify the school if the family’s financial condition changes during the year. Failure to comply will affect eligibility for further assistance.

Royal Parent Bin