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Wellness Plan

Revised November 2022 Page | 33
Assumption Catholic Schools (ACS) promotes healthy schools by supporting
wellness, good nutrition and regular physical activity as a part of the total learning
environment. The system supports a healthy environment where children learn and
participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices. By facilitating learning through
the support and promotion of good nutrition and physical activity, our schools
contribute to the basic health status of children. Improved health optimizes student
performance potential and encourages that no child will be left behind.
Healthy eating and an active lifestyle are demonstrably linked to reduced risk for early
mortality and development of chronic diseases as adults. To ensure the health and
well being of all students, it is the policy of ACS to:
• Ensure that all children have access to adequate and healthy food choices on
scheduled school days at reasonable prices.
• Ensure that food sales/parties for students will not conflict with the system
food programs.
• Support and promote proper dietary habits contributing to students’ health
status and academic performance. Emphasis should be placed on foods that
are nutrient dense per calorie. Foods should be served with consideration
toward variety, appeal, taste, safety and packaging to ensure high quality
meals. Encourage all staff to focus on the “Dietary Guidelines of Americans”.
• Provide a comprehensive learning environment for developing and practicing
lifelong wellness behaviors. The entire school environment, not just the
classroom, shall be aligned with healthy school goals to positively influence a
student’s understanding, beliefs and habits as they relate to good nutrition and
regular physical activity. A healthy school environment should not be
dependent on revenue from high-fat, low nutrient foods to support school
/system programs.
• Coordinate school food service with the healthy lifestyles policy to reinforce
messages about healthy eating and to insure that foods offered promote good
nutrition and contribute to the development of lifelong, healthy eating habits.
• Provide school staff involved in nutrition education and in supporting a healthy
school environment, with adequate pre-service and ongoing in-service training
that focuses on strategies for behavioral change.
• Incorporate nutritional education into student curriculum through science,
health, and physical education classes. Nutrition education should be
integrated throughout the curriculum.
• Provide opportunities for physical activity for students during the school day.
• Due to the negative health impact, the consumption of energy drinks and soda
is strongly discouraged.
• Encourage increased consumption of water throughout the day.
 Staff members should be particularly sensitive to students’ needs for
water during periods of hot weather. 

Wellness Plan 2023

Royal Parent Bin