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Assumption Catholic Schools uses a number of standardized test instruments for looking at formative a summative performance of our students. Below are links to the information. 

Assumption Catholic Schools (ACS) strives to develop the whole child–spiritually, socially, emotionally, and academically. We prepare our students to be critical thinkers, collaborative problem solvers, and creative individuals who seek to better their world through service to others. When a student graduates from Assumption Catholic Schools, they are prepared to succeed, thrive, and lead in our dynamic 21st century world.

Assessment Plan

The 2024-25 Assessment Plan

K-12 ASSESSMENT Descriptions

Assumption Catholic Schools prides itself on outstanding academics. Regular STAR Reading, STAR Math, and STAR assessments make sure that students are growing to their maximum potential. A national standardized test is given each year as determined by the Diocese of LaCrosse.

Religious Assessment
Students in grade 5, 8, and 11 take the diocesan religious assessment each spring.  This assessment focuses on knowledge, concepts, practices and attitudes of our Catholic faith.

Reading/Language Arts
STAR Reading and STAR Early Literacy are computer-adaptive assessments from Renaissance Learning that measure students’ reading comprehension, monitor achievement and growth, and track understanding of focus skills aligned to our learning standards. The use of Accelerated Reader guides students in their reading level to become stronger readers by creating goals and doing what it takes to reach those individual milestones.

STAR Math is an online adaptive assessment program from Renaissance Learning for math in grades K-12, including basic math, algebra, geometry and statistics. Assessments are given multiple times a year to pinpoint individual growth areas.  The use of Freckle Math provides deep math practice at the unique levels students need in order for them to grow—from foundational skills to grade-level standards. It’s the key to mastering math: Building incremental confidence.

Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS)
Students in grades 2-10 take the Iowa Test of Basic Skills each year in the spring. The ITBS is an achievement test that assesses students’ skills in Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science. This assessment is nationally normed and can indicate college and career readiness. Assumption Catholic School students score extremely well on this test annually.


Assumption Catholic High School students take the PSAT/NMSQT, Forward Exam, ACT Aspire and the ACT. ACT Aspire is a preliminary ACT and the PSAT is a preliminary SAT. The ACT Aspire is a very effective measure of progress from ninth to tenth grade and predictor of ACT scores for the junior and senior years.

ACT Aspire
All Freshmen and Sophomore Choice Students have the option of taking the ACT Aspire. This test consists of English, Math, Reading, and Science.

Forward Exam

All Choice students grades 3-8 and 10th grade have the option of taking the Forward Exam. This test consists of English, Math, Reading, Social Studies and Science.

Juniors may take the PSAT/NMSQT test if they choose. This test will focus on the knowledge and skills that current research shows are most essential for college and career readiness and success. Students who choose to take the PSAT/NMSQT could be eligible for scholarships through the National Merit Scholarship Program.

The ACT is a national college admissions examination that consists of subject area tests in: English, Math, Reading, and Science. Juniors and Seniors who are thinking about a 4-Year college are encouraged to complete this test. 

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