President's Blog
Our strength of the week is COMPASSION. The strength to be aware of the needs of others and the desire to help them.
THE GOLDEN RULE Treat others the way you want to be treated. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Matthew 7:1
Link to the full PDF.
Rooted in the Latin compassio meaning “to suffer with,” compassion involves love, understanding, and a willingness to help others, seeing them through the eyes of Christ.
St. Thomas Aquinas: “Mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution; justice without mercy is cruelty.”
St. Teresa of Ávila: “Christ has no body now but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which He looks with compassion on this world.”
St. Augustine: “What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. That is what love looks like.”
The opposing vice is COLD-HEARTEDNESS. The weakness to not care about the needs or sufferings of others.
Cold-heartedness is an indifference or lack of concern towards the suffering or needs of others. It reflects a closed heart that resists empathy, often leading to selfishness, hardness, and insensitivity.
In Christ's Peace
Daniel Minter
Assumption Catholic Schools
Mission- to inspire excellence and personal growth grounded in Catholic principles and tradition
Vision - a community of academic excellence Catholic in spirit and culture, nurturing integrity and respect.
The virtue for February is RESPECT - The strength to show honor and goodness toward others, recognizing their talents.
Catholic Social Teaching tells us that all persons are by virtue of being a creation in the likeness and image of God are worthy of respect.
This also goes to the teachings of Jesus - Love God with your whole heart, mind and body and love your neighbor as yourself.
Dearest Lord Jesus, may we grow stronger in the virtue of RESPECT today and develop the habit of looking for ways to do good for others.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Matthew 7:12
The full slide deck can be viewed here. It contains links to numerous resources.
The opposing vice is DISDAIN. The weakness to treat others with contempt, scorn or a lack of respect.
Some signs of disdain:
•Sarcasm and cynicism in communication with others
•Derisive or insulting humor
•Contemptuous facial expressions (eye rolling, sneering, raising upper lip …)
•Insults and name-calling
“Look for Christ our Lord in everyone and you will then have respect and reverence for all.” - St. Teresa of Jesus
In Christ's Peace
Daniel Minter
Assumption Catholic Schools
Mission- to inspire excellence and personal growth grounded in Catholic principles and tradition
Vision - a community of academic excellence Catholic in spirit and culture, nurturing integrity and respect.
Royal Parents
Bingo February 16
Next bingo event. February 16, doors open at Noon, Bingo at 1 PM. Progressive Blackout Jackpot minimum $3320 in 57 or less calls.