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Assumption Middle School/High School Dress Code

Our Assumption Catholic School (ACS) system promotes the virtues of modesty and self-respect.  Student dress and personal grooming not only demonstrate respect for ourselves and others, but also reflect the seriousness with which children and young people approach all their efforts as students.  With a goal of promoting a genuine Christian learning environment, the dress code outlined here will govern student dress at Assumption Middle/High School.  At all times, there is not to be any saying, picture or reference on clothing that is inconsistent with Catholic faith and morals.  Items which reference drugs, alcohol, or have content inconsistent with Catholic teaching are not allowed.

The ACS administration reserves the right to deviate from the dress code at their discretion when circumstances warrant and final decisions regarding student dress is reserved for administration.  Students out of dress code will be spoken to privately and respectfully.  See Discipline Code for directive.

Mass Day Attire:
Boys should wear long pants, collared shirts or sweaters.  Ties are optional.  

Girls should wear dress slacks, skirts or dresses.  No shorts or any ACS spirit wear can be worn at Mass.

The following requirements apply to all students enrolled at Assumption Middle/High School:
Clothing must reflect the virtues of modesty and respect for self and others at all times.
ACS spirit wear tops may be worn any time.  (excluding mass days)

Long pants – solid colored khakis, or colored denim (excluding the color blue) may be worn.

Clothing must fit properly – no tight-fitting or over-sized clothing.
Clothing must be clean, free of slits, tears, holes, patches, personal alterations, and stains.
Midriffs and cleavage must be covered at all times.

Skirts and dresses – bottom hem must be not more than 2 inches above the knee.  If wearing leggings underneath, bottom hem must be no more than 4 inches above the knee.
Shorts must be no more than 2 inches above the knee.
Shirts must have sleeves.  Crew necks or collared shirts are recommended.

Any accessory that draws undue attention to a student is not permitted.  This includes, but is not limited to makeup, hairstyles, and all unreasonable body jewelry such as: tongue, nose, lips, eyebrows, excessive piercing in the ears, etc.  Hair must be neat, clean, and out of the eyes.  Beards, mustaches, and excessive facial hair is not allowed.  Phy-ed clothes must be taken home and washed weekly.

  Students should pay attention to their personal hygiene, washing and using deodorant daily.

The following apparel is not permitted for any middle/high school student during the school day:
No outerwear, including hats, caps, coats, and gloves.
No slides, beach shoes, flip flops, or heels over 2 inches (Birkenstock style sandals are allowed).
No visible undergarments such as bra straps and underwear.
No clothing with logos advertising illegal or illicit substances, sexual content/innuendo and inappropriate messages.
No workout clothing such as:  leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, wind pants, joggers, athletic shorts, or sweatpants.
No blue jeans.
No over-sized hoodies (ACS Spirit Wear hoodies only).

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