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Assumption Catholic Schools Central Offices are located in the Eastside Parishes Office Building. This is on the corner of 13th St. South and Chestnut Street.  Our offices are open Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM.

Central Offices include

Main Phone Number 715.422.0900 

President - Daniel Minter 715.422.0902 

Finance Manager - Amanda Krautkramer 715.422.0904

Finance Assistant - Destiny Wiltzius 715.422.0917

Food Service Director - Joe Ann Cephas 715.422.0922

HR Manager - Melissia O'Brien 715.422.0907

Advancement and Alumni Director - Matthew Zakowski 715.422.0914

Enrollment Director - Kerry Meinel - 715.422.0901 (located in the Assumption Building)

IT Director - Andrew Moos 715.422.0947

Athletic Director - Joe Birkhauser 715.422.0915

Scrip Coordinator - Terra Duellman - 715.422.0909

Chaplain - Fr. Steven Weller - 715.422.0908 (located in the Assumption Building)

Reverend Robert Schaller - Dean - 715.423.2111 

President's Welcome

I think that you will find this site to be a useful and informative resource. Whether you are looking for a school for your child for the very first time or considering a new school, choosing the right place for your child’s education is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. While nothing tells the story of an Assumption Catholic Schools experience as well as a personal visit, looking through this web site will give you a sense of the exciting opportunities available to your student.

Assumption Catholic Schools seeks to inspire excellence and personal growth for our students academically, spiritually, and socially. Caring and innovative teachers provide challenging academic programs supported by current technology. Student learning is enhanced through our fine arts programs, athletics, service projects, and campus ministry. In ACS, parents are welcomed and encouraged to be fully involved in the educational experience of their children.

As a Catholic school, we believe that faith and reason are compatible with each other. Everything we do is centered on ensuring the students who graduate from Assumption Catholic Schools are fully prepared to be contributing members of the 21st century society and are equipped to continue to grow their faith and knowledge throughout their lives.

The Principles of Catholic Identity in Education articulates elements the Church expects to find in all Catholic schools and which distinguish them from other schools. The disciples are derived from Church documents related to education, including the documents of Vatican II, documents from the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education, and the writings of various Popes. As a school system, these principles are embedded in our daily lives. The five principles are:

 Inspired by Divine Mission
Models Christian Communion
Encounters Christ in Prayer, Scripture, and Sacraments
Integrally Forms the Human Person
Imparts a Christian Understanding of the World


In consultation with diverse stakeholders, Assumption Catholic Schools has developed our mission statement.

Mission and Vision:

Mission:  To inspire excellence and personal growth grounded in Catholic principles and tradition.

Vision:  A community of academic excellence, Catholic in spirit and culture, nurturing integrity and respect.

Standards of Excellence & Growth

Demonstrates a strong faith and love of God through prayer.
Supports the mission of the Catholic Church.
Possesses principles of integrity including honesty, patience, fortitude, generosity, and self-control.
Recognizes and fulfills responsibility to community, society, and the world.
Affirms principles of loyalty, commitment, sacrifice, and trust.
Recognizes and respects the dignity and achievement of others.
Models Christian standards of ethical behavior in the workplace including charity toward others, respect for authority, pride in achievement, and the ability to be an effective team member.
 Demonstrates an appreciation of the arts and other cultural achievements.
 Exhibits leadership skills.
Formulates and effectively pursues worthwhile goals founded on the discernment of personal vocation.
Displays practical life skills, competency in math, writing skills, reading comprehension, scientific reasoning, use of technology, and research skills.
Develops habits of lifelong learning and employs critical and creative thinking as well as organizational skills.

2024-25 Accreditation Certificate


Assumption Catholic Schools Strategic Plan 2022

SVDP Plan of Action

OLQH Plan of Action

Middle School Plan of Action

High School Plan of Action

System Wide Plan of Action



The schools that make up our system are: 

St. Lawrence Child Care Center

Child care for 6 weeks-2 years, Pre-School  3-year-olds,

Our Lady Queen of Heaven

4K Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd

St. Vincent De Paul

Grades 3rd, 4th & 5th

Assumption Middle School

Grades 6th, 7th & 8th

Assumption High School

Grades 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th

We look forward to the opportunity to welcome you to our Assumption family. Assumption Catholic Schools is a place where every child has a chance to shine. Thank you for your interest in Assumption Catholic Schools.

God’s Blessings,

Daniel Minter, President
Assumption Catholic Schools

Mission- to inspire excellence and personal growth grounded in Catholic principles and tradition

Royal Parent Bin