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  • 2025-2026 Calendar

    The 2025-26 school calendar is available on the News and Events page


  • Catholic Schools Week
    Catholic Schools Week  Check the school newsletters for activities All system Mass 10 AM on January 29 at SS Peter [ ... ]

    Catholic Schools Week  Check the school newsletters for activities All system Mass 10 AM on January 29 at SS Peter and Paul


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  • Our Exceptional Staff
    Assumption Catholic Schools is honored to have a dedicated faithful staff.  We have 5 administrators, 59 teachers a [ ... ]

    Assumption Catholic Schools is honored to have a dedicated faithful staff.  We have 5 administrators, 59 teachers and over 40 support staff in a variety of roles.   Congratulations to those with anniversaries this year

    Brenda Walzack  45 years

    Shannon Shaw and Mary Jung 25 years

    Mary La Casse and Sheryl Behrend 10 years

    Yvonne Audi, Haley Breidel, Amie Eckelberg, Colton Schenk, Michelle VInter and Tama Wollums 5 years

    Thank you to all our dedicated staff

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