[When Joseph awoke,
he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him
and took his wife into his home.] (Mt. 1:24)
Recounted in our Gospel today is, called by some, the Annunciation of St. Joseph. At this point Joseph has discovered that Mary is pregnant and he knows that the child is not his. Though Joseph is hesitant to proceed with the marriage, an angel encourages him “to take his wife into his home”. Granted Joseph is made aware of the divinity of Mary’s Son, Joseph still has the choice to say “yes” to God’s plan or reject it in favor of his own desires. Thankfully Joseph acquiesced, and “did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him”.
What about us? When God asks something of us, are we willing to grant His request? Do we amend our actions and attitudes when He pricks our conscience? Maybe God is speaking to you through a coworker, a friend, your children, your spouse… it can be very hard to follow God when He speaks through another, but it’s God’s voice nonetheless.
Take some time today and honestly ask the dangerous questions. What is God asking of me? What areas of my life is God asking me to adjust? Chances are you might already have a vague idea. Ask for clarity and St. Joseph’s intercession for the grace to follow God’s voice.