President’s Blog Friday September 18
Good Morning Assumption Catholic Schools
In today’s blog I bring you information about St. Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.
Theology of the Body explains what it means to be human — male and female in the image and likeness of God for love and relationship. It addresses the questions: Who am I? Why am I here? How do I find happiness?
We now have a breakthrough opportunity to transform Catholic schools … bless family and friends … inspire saints … and change the world — with St. John Paul II’s life-changing teachings …
… So save the date for a powerful online event that will explain how!
Theology of the Body is used by the Middle and High School in our religion curriculum but resources are available for all ages.
Further details on the live webinar on September 28th at 7 PM Central can be found here
Our virtue this week is ASSERTIVENESS – The strength to be characterized by bold and confident action. Being a leader in any field of life requires some ASSERTIVENESS. You have to step up and make things happen, not wait around for everyone else to get the job done. You have to want it for yourself and for the your family, your team, your community.
Lord, we praise you and we thank you for the talents you have given us. Help us to be virtuous and strong. Help us to love You and others more than ourselves. May we be ASSERTIVE today by truly going out of our comfort zone, by being bold and confident in our actions.
Stay Safe and have a blessed weekend
In Christ’s Peace
Daniel Minter
Assumption Catholic Schoolks