President’s Message Friday October 8

Posted on Oct 8, 2021 by

Dear Assumption Catholic Schools

We are nearing the conclusion of Homecoming 2021!  It has a been a great week to celebrate all things Assumption and being Raised Royal.

Earlier this week we hosted 16 school administrators and teachers for the WRISA accreditation site visit.  The staff spent long hours in the past 18 months preparing our documentation and I am pleased and proud to report that we have earned continuing accreditation.  This validates much of what we knew about our schools and how we operate.

I would like to issue a challenge to each of you. Would you give a donation to our Fund A Need account.  If 1000 of us each gave $70, we would collect an additional $70,000 which will be used to fund future projects at the schools.  These may include new lights and ceilings, update math and social studies textbooks, rotational replacement of Chromebooks, new carpet, removal of the remaining asbestos, new fitness room and equipment, upgrades to the electrical system, continued work on the window projects and more.  This past year thanks to generous donors and use of federal money, we were able to accomplish many projects for the buildings and we want to keep the project momentum going.  Will you join me in this challenge?  Send your check to the Advancement Office at 445 Chestnut St Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494  or visit our web portal and earmark your funds to fund a need to pay by credit card.  Larger donations are always appreciated and all funds collected in this campaign will go to the project fund.

The virtue of hope is a gift from God, placed or infused in our souls at Baptism,
that gives us the strength to firmly trust that God will give us the endless
happiness of Heaven and the means to obtain it, if we do what He requires of us.

My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You!
I ask pardon of You for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not hope and do not love You.

And how do we grow this gift of HOPE?
The Sacraments, especially going to confession
as often as needed.
Study the lives of the Saints because they are
the best role models.

Hope fills our souls with joy and peace knowing
that Heaven is our true home.
Hope inspires us during times of discouragement
and suffering

Our Purpose

God created us to know Him, to love Him, and to
serve Him in this world, and to be happy with
Him forever in HEAVEN in the next.
The virtue of HOPE is a necessary strength which
will help us achieve that goal.

Honor our Blessed Mother by carrying a rosary in
your pocket, bag or purse. This will remind you to
pray often.
The month of October is dedicated
to The Holy Rosary.
The rosary is one of the most powerful weapons
the Church possesses. We are constantly
exhorted by saints, popes, and Our Lord and Our
Lady themselves to pray this simple yet profound
prayer. Accordingly, Mother Church has set aside
a whole month to the promotion of this prayer.

Pray a decade of the rosary at some
point during the school day asking our
Blessed Mother to strengthen you in
the virtue of HOPE.
Pray a decade of the rosary as a

John 4: 13-14
Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who
drinks this water will be thirsty again;
but whoever drinks the water I shall give will
never thirst;
the water I shall give will become in him a spring
of water welling up to eternal life.”

“The world is thy ship and not they home.”
– St. Therese of Lisieux

The opposing vice


• Talking about death or suicide
• Pre-occupation with death
• Depression
• Hopelessness
• Low self-esteem
• Relationship break-up
• Changes in behavior
• Self-loathing or self-hatred
• Social isolation
• Self-destructive behavior

MY LOVING FATHER, relying on Thy almighty power
and in
finite mercy and promises,
I HOPE to obtain pardon of my sins,
the help of Thy grace,
and Life Everlasting,
through the merits of Jesus Christ,
my Lord and Redeemer.