President’s Virtue Blog 4/6/23

Posted on Apr 6, 2023 by

Dear Assumption Catholic Schools

Our Lenten journey with Jesus to Jerusalem and through the Last Supper, His Passion, death and on Easter Sunday His Resurrection is coming to a close.  We are now in the most sacred days in our liturgical calendar.

As the hymn asks – Were you there when the crucified our Lord?

For the month of April – our virtue is Fortitude – Strength in Adversity- we all face adversities in our lives – large and small. How we react to them shows our character.  For more prayers and reflections, please view this slide deck. Fortitude-Keynote-2022-2023-MINI-PDF

Happy Easter

In Christ’s Peace

Daniel Minter


Assumption Catholic Schools

Assumption Catholic Schools Mission Statement::To inspire excellence and personal growth, grounded in Catholic principles and tradition.